frauenrechte bäuerin

Protecting human rights

Cotton and textiles
2017 2018 2019
70 85 88

Cotton and textiles

Our goal: 100 % of the textiles used for private label brands in Germany certified by Cotton made in Africa and GOTS by the end of 2025.

Our goals:

  • By the end of 2020, we had integrated 100 percent of tier 1 production facilities in high-risk countries into the REWE Group’s social improvement program.

  • By 2030, one hundred percent of strategic suppliers to REWE and PENNY in Germany will have completed our Capacity Building training program.

  • By the end of 2025, the REWE Group will have launched a complaints system in all relevant supply chains.

More than a trend.

Sustainability has been anchored in our mission statement since 2008 and practiced through our group-wide sustainability management.

Four stages to fairness

The REWE Group employs a four-stage process to systematically identify, minimize, and prevent potentially negative human rights implications of our business activities.

Stage 1: We conduct thorough risk and hot-spot analyses to identify possible impacts.

Stage 2: From the insights gained in stage 1, we identify key issues and raw materials that carry a risk of violations of labour and social standards. The two topics on which our efforts focus are “child labour and forced labour” and “living wages and income.”

Stage 3: We develop measures to reduce negative impacts. Some of these measures are undertaken within the REWE Group, for instance training our purchasers. Others are taken in our supply chains, implementing projects, or requiring suppliers to use certified raw materials. Our work also extends beyond our own supply chains, for instance, by collaborating on the further development of standards organizations.

Stage 4: We monitor and evaluate the above activities and then apply the findings to continually develop the measures.