
For high standards of
animal welfare

We stop chick culling.

Our Seleggt technology has enabled us to sell more than 2,7 billion eggs without chick culling since 2016.

Our goals

Fresh meat from the meat counter at REWE:

  • Achieved in 2021: 50 percent of fresh meat will meet a minimum husbandry system standard of level 2

Private label fresh meat products (beef, pork and poultry) available in the self-service range and from the meat counter at REWE and PENNY in Germany:

  • By the end of 2025, 100 percent of private label fresh meat products will meet a minimum husbandry system standard of level 2

  • By the end of 2030, 100 percent of private label fresh meat products will meet a minimum husbandry system standard of level 3 or 4

Fresh chicken meat products available in the self-service range and from the meat counter at REWE and PENNY in Germany:

  • By the end of 2023, we will have doubled the number of fresh chicken meat products with a husbandry system standard of level 3 or 4

  • By the end of 2026, at least 20 percent of fresh chicken meat products will meet a husbandry system standard of level 3 or 4

Sausages and cold cuts* (beef, pork and poultry) available in the self-service range of REWE and PENNY PENNY private-label products in Germany:

  • By the end of 2025, 100 percent of sausages and cold cuts will meet a husbandry system standard of level 2 (*including processed meat products that are frozen, preserved and convenience containing more than 50 percent meat)

Fresh milk of REWE and PENNY private-label products in Germany:

  • By the end of 2025, 100 percent of drinking milk will meet a husbandry system standard of at least level 2

  • By the end of 2030, 100 percent of drinking milk will meet a husbandry system standard of at least level 3

Strategic position

In our guidelines for greater animal welfare, we define a mandatory operational framework for humane farming practices, the production of animal products and overall animal welfare standards for REWE and PENNY in Germany. DERTOUR Group’s animal welfare policy includes our objectives for animal welfare within the tourism sector.

At the REWE Group, we began reviewing and realigning our strategy for animal welfare standards in livestock production in 2020, with the aim of integrating higher standards of animal welfare throughout the supply chains. We are following a four-stage process which serves to identify fundamental impacts on animal welfare and implement appropriate programmes of improvement throughout product supply chains.