Lionel Souque was born in Paris on 19 August 1971.
Lionel Souque joined REWE Group in 1996, beginning at the international discount store, Penny, where he held executive positions in procurement and sales. From 2001, he assumed executive positions for the Billa supermarkets outside Germany and, in 2007, was appointed to the Management Board of REWE International in Vienna. He has been the CEO of REWE Germany and a member of the REWE Group Management Board since 2009. He has been the CEO of REWE Group since 1 July 2017.
Lionel Souque holds the following qualifications: MBA (ESSEC Business School Paris), Master Technology & Management (Ecole Centrale Paris), Dipl. Betriebswirt [degree in business administration] (ESC Reims – ESB Reutlingen).
He is married, has three children and lives with his family in Cologne.