The Manage­ment and Supervisory Board

Seven experienced top executives make up the REWE Group’s most senior decision-making committee, the Management Board, which is overseen by the Supervisory Board. The relationship of mutual trust and collaboration between the two boards is one of the REWE Group’s strengths. In the best tradition of the cooperative movement, we always work together to find the best solution for the business.

Our Management Board

Lionel Souque

Chief Executive Officer

Lionel Souque  (Chief Executive Officer)

Lionel Souque was born in Paris on 19 August 1971.

Lionel Souque joined REWE Group in 1996, beginning at the international discount store, Penny, where he held executive positions in procurement and sales. From 2001, he assumed executive positions for the Billa supermarkets outside Germany and, in 2007, was appointed to the Management Board of REWE International in Vienna. He has been the CEO of REWE Germany and a member of the REWE Group Management Board since 2009. He has been the CEO of REWE Group since 1 July 2017.

Lionel Souque holds the following qualifications: MBA (ESSEC Business School Paris), Master Technology & Management (Ecole Centrale Paris), Dipl. Betriebswirt [degree in business administration] (ESC Reims – ESB Reutlingen).

He is married, has three children and lives with his family in Cologne.

Lionel Souque  (Chief Executive Officer)
Jan Kunath (Deputy Chief Executive Officer)

Jan Kunath

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Jan Kunath (Deputy Chief Executive Officer)

Jan Kunath was born on 19 June 1965.

Jan Kunath joined the REWE Group in 1992 where he started his career in leading sales positions in the wholesale business. In 2006 he was appointed to the Management Board of REWE Group Austria.

From 2007 until 2009 he was Head of the Full-range National Management. In May 2009 he was appointed fully authorized representative of REWE Group for the B2B and Specialist Stores (DIY and consumer electronics) businesses.

As fully authorized representative of the REWE Group he has been Head of the Management of PENNY National since September 2010. He has been a member of the REWE Group’s Management Board since 1 January 2011 and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the REWE Group since 1 July 2017.

Jan Kunath studied business administration at the University of Applied Sciences of Berlin. He is married and has two children.

Dr. Daniela Büchel

Member of the Management Board – Chief People and Sustainability Officer

Dr. Daniela Büchel

Daniela Büchel was born in Stuttgart on 26 February 1973.

She joined the REWE Group in 2003, working in various roles in Group Controlling and in Strategy at the Group’s headquarters, before assuming the leadership of Group Marketing as well as Sustainability and Public Affairs. In 2014, she became a member of management at REWE, taking on responsibility for HR and sustainability. In 2016, Daniela Büchel was appointed as an Executive Board Member Retail Germany for HR and sustainability.

Since 1 January 2023, Daniela Büchel has been responsible for HR and sustainability at the REWE Group as a member of the Management Board.

Daniela Büchel studied economics at the University of Hohenheim and NOVA University Lisbon. She then completed her doctorate at the Center for Research in Retailing (IfH) at the University of Cologne. She has two children and lives with her family in Frechen.

Dr. Daniela Büchel
Portrait of Christoph Eltze the REWE Group Chief Digital and Technology Officer

Christoph Eltze

Member of the Management Board – Chief Digital and Technology Officer

Portrait of Christoph Eltze the REWE Group Chief Digital and Technology Officer

Christoph Eltze has been Chief Digital & Technology Officer and member of the Management Board of the REWE Group since 1 July 2022. He was born in Düsseldorf on 15 July 1973. Starting in 1998, he worked at McKinsey & Company, primarily as a management consultant to retail companies. Christoph Eltze joined the REWE Group in 2014.

He then served as Digital Operations Director at REWE Digital GmbH, before being appointed CEO of REWE Digital GmbH in 2017.

From March 2020, Christoph Eltze held the position of Divisional Board Member for Digital, Customer & Analytics within Commerce Germany.

He studied Business Administration at the University of Düsseldorf and the École Supérieure des Affaires in Grenoble. He lives in Cologne with his wife and three children.

Peter Maly

Member of the Management Board – REWE Chief Operating Officer, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Peter Maly

Peter Maly was born on 6 May 1968 and raised in Hirzenhain, Hessen.

He joined the REWE Group in 2005. Subsequently, he assumed various sales management roles in REWE’s full-range business, including management of REWE Region Nord in Norderstedt. He was appointed as a member of the Executive Board for the REWE Group in March 2016, where he was responsible for 3,700 REWE markets nationally. Since January 2023, Peter Maly has been a member of the REWE Group Management Board and, as REWE Chief Operating Officer, is responsible for REWE’s full-range business in Germany as well as for logistics and supply chain management across the Group.

After completing his secondary school studies and military service, Peter Maly studied economics at the University of Giessen. He completed his master’s degree in 1994. Subsequently, he began his management career in the food retail sector as a regional manager in Hamburg, quickly taking on management duties in sales at a number of well-known German food retailers. He was the head of sales for Globus superstores, Kaiser + Kellermann oHG, Kirchhunderm when it was acquired by the REWE Group in 2005 and he joined the new company.

Peter Maly is married and the father of two daughters.

Peter Maly
Hans-Jürgen Moog

Hans-Jürgen Moog

Member of the Management Board – Chief Procurement Officer

Hans-Jürgen Moog

Hans-Jürgen Moog was born in Gelsenkirchen on 8 July 1968.

After graduating in business, he joined the REWE Group in 2016 with responsibility as a member of the Executive Board for merchandise for REWE’s full-range business, subsequently becoming the Head of REWE Group Buying. In 2019, he was appointed as Executive Board Member Retail Germany for the area Merchandise 1 for the REWE full-range business, own-brand procurement, and production of the Wilhelm-Brandenburg brand. The following year, he also took over responsibility for Merchandise 2, including merchandise trading at PENNY, non-food, fruit and vegetables, production, Glockenbrot, and quality assurance, as well as cross-departmental responsibility for the EURELEC and Coopernic procurement partnerships. Since 1 January 2023, he has been a member of the Group Executive Board with group-wide responsibility for the procurement and merchandise as Chief Procurement Officer.

Hans-Jürgen Moog has 20 years’ experience in procurement at the Tengelmann Group and at the EDEKA Group. He is married and has two children. He lives in Hamburg with his family.

Telerik Schischmanow

Member of the Management Board – Chief Financial Officer

Telerik Schischmanow

Telerik Schischmanow, born 11 February 1975 in Bulgaria, joined the REWE Group as head of Mergers & Acquisitions in 2006. He subsequently served as CFO of transGourmet Holding SE, in which the REWE Group held a 50 percent stake, from 2009 to 2011. Schischmanow returned to the REWE Group in September 2011 and was appointed fully authorised representative for the company. His responsibilities included corporate development, strategy and corporate control. He has been responsible for the Services division as head of Retail Germany since July 2016, and he has been the CFO of the REWE Group since 1 July 2022.

Telerik Schischmanow studied Business Administration at the Technische Universität Berlin. He is married and has four children.

Telerik Schischmanow