When many people share a common goal, one aspect is more important than all others: trust. The most important prerequisite for this is a binding sense of cooperation.

Compliance protects the company

REWE Group is a service-oriented provider and a reliable business partner. All employees are responsible for doing “the right thing” in every situation. Our Compliance Management System charts our course in this regard. The task of our compliance organisation is to provide information about the topic of compliance, to prevent risks and to react to violations throughout REWE Group. All internal employees receive trainings on a risk-based approach and, upon request, individualised advice.

The compliance activities of REWE Group are directed and coordinated by the Central Unit Governance & Compliance. Furthermore, the Decentralized Compliance Officers act as competent contact partners for their respective business units and country subsidiaries.

Compliance tips

Our compliance tip process guarantees a trustworthy and at the same time transparent approach in dealing with compliance tips. A compliance tip is understood to be the suspicion of a possible criminal offense, such as fraud or corruption, or other significant violations of rules that have a connection to REWE Group or its employees. Corruption offenses in particular cause considerable damage not only to REWE Group, but also to society. Compliance tips can be submitted by employees as well as by external stakeholders.

It is particularly easy to submit compliance tips digitally with the REWE Group Hintbox – anonymously if desired. In addition, this digital reporting platform enables easy, data-protection compliant communication between whistleblowers and the responsible compliance departments of REWE Group. Individuals who wish to submit compliance tips without using a digital tool can also continue to contact the REWE Group ombudsperson.

Customer complaints, for example about the quality of REWE Group’s products and services or the services in the stores or travel agencies, do not qualify as compliance tips. For this, please contact the customer service areas and hotlines of the company or brand concerned.

We would like to expressly encourage each individual to inform us of any suspected violations of the law or instances of misconduct. Whistleblowers must not suffer any disadvantages as a result of providing compliance tips in a professional context.

REWE Group Hintbox

Submit compliance tips digitally – also anonymously if you wish.
To REWE Group Hintbox


REWE Group has also appointed the lawyer Richard Rill as an external ombudsperson. Internal employees and external stakeholders (e.g. customers or business partners) may contact him if they wish to submit compliance tips anonymously, or if they are looking for a neutral point of contact who is bound to secrecy in matters of compliance. Contact is possible in German and English.


Please direct general inquiries about REWE Group’s compliance activities to the Central Unit Governance & Compliance.

REWE Group
Central Unit Governance & Compliance
Domstraße 20
50668 Köln
[email protected]