
8 March 2022

Women in the REWE Group: We’ve made some progress, but there’s still work to be done

Highly skilled and yet paid less. And still a minority in the c-suites. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is still how things stand for women and equal opportunities in Germany today. All the same, according to a recent study on education by the Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), much has, in fact, happened since the early 1990s. More women than men now complete the 'Abitur' examinations or entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences. And girls typically have better grades in school than boys. Many companies want to see more women at all levels of management and are actively working to build mixed-gender teams. That is also true of the REWE Group, where we promote women’s career development in all areas – not just on International Women’s Day.

Reading time: 0 min.

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