“I am someone who keeps their word.”
For four years, this REWE store has been her REWE store. A long-cherished dream come true thanks to her dogged determination – and all the financial resources she could muster. In the interview, Semai Akale discusses her career.
I’ve got almost 19 years under my belt now, all of them at REWE. I’m extremely loyal. I actually wanted to be a banker but, despite excellent grades and lots of work experience, the opportunity never came my way. I think it was also down to the colour of my skin; those banks tend to be fairly white. At the time, I had a part-time job at REWE and my boss suggested that I did an apprenticeship with him and continued to apply for banking jobs too. After about seven months, I decided to stay. And I wanted to learn everything about the job. After work, I sat down with my boss in the office and asked question after question. I must have got on his nerves but when you’ve got an apprentice, training them up is part of the job.
When he asked me to cover his holiday while I was still an apprentice, I realised how varied the job really is. After shortening my apprenticeship to two years, I worked as an assistant for three years, always at different locations, always new stores. Back then, I was also elected to the Strategy Committee Meeting group (SAS). I think it was mainly the women who voted for me. I was the youngest and, at times, the only woman. I was on the committee for six years. The experience I gained was invaluable. During that time, I started to think about taking on my own store.
A few years later, my current store was advertised and I really wanted it. When I got the contract, I was scared stiff and all I could think was, ‘What have you done? You opened your big mouth and now you have to see it through.’ But, as I said at the start, I had nothing to lose. I’d pooled all my money for my deposit and cashed in my savings. It was just enough and I had nothing left. However, I didn’t feel terrible because I was used to it. My mother brought up the four of us on her own, we never had a lot of money and I can make do without a lot. So, back then, I thought to myself, ‘What’s the worst that can happen? If it gets really bad, you’ll have to go back to being an employee, and that’s that…’ But that probably won’t happen. I am very ambitious and it’s been hard work up to this point.
I always wanted to be my own boss. I wanted my own team, to promote my own employees and retain them for the long term. Most of my people are career changers. I only had three months between leaving my old store and setting up my new one. That’s not a lot of time, which is why I decided to offer a job anyone who applied. Many did not have a retail background but I liked their attitude to work. I did every interview myself and initially did and explained everything myself because very few knew how retail worked.