Why is it important to promote diversity within the company? And is a varied team the same as a diverse team?
Petra Meyer-Ochel: Studies have shown that diverse teams achieve better work results. For success, however, it is not simply about putting together a varied team. Woman, man, one younger person, one older person. That’s not enough.
What you need is diversity of professional and personal skills. For one thing, the input of people with different areas of expertise is hugely valuable. For example, if I develop an IT application, not only do I bring developers into the team, but also the users. If you develop in a technical silo, problems would probably only come to light when the finished product was already in use.
What’s more, teams are more successful if they include different personal experiences and competencies because they bring diverse perspectives, qualifications, and social experiences to the table. One may be skilled at conflict management, another may bring international experience, the third may have a creative mindset. This naturally permits a different way of working together than with team members from the same background.