What ideas have you come up with so far?
Scott McDonald: We’re currently testing three projects: Do Day, Shift Change, and Quiet Hour.
Do Day is a kind of “Boys’ and Girls’ Day“ for people employed at sheltered workshops. They spend a day shadowing us at the company, learning how things work. And perhaps one or two of them will have a future with us…
Shift Change is a 1:1 exchange. I spend a day working at a sheltered workshop, while the person who normally does that job takes my place for a day.
The Quiet Hour concept originated in New Zealand as a way of enabling people with autism to go shopping. At a specific time each week, stores temporarily reduce the noise level and dim the lights. Many retailers here in Germany have already introduced this concept and I am eager to offer it at one of our stores. It’s interesting to note that it’s not just autistic customers and older people who welcome Quiet Hour; our employees appreciate it, too. They find that their stress is substantially reduced when the store is quiet for an hour each week, with no beeping, no announcements, less bright light… We can hardly imagine what it’s like to be exposed to these stimuli on a daily basis.