Shortly before Christmas, the federal government approved the key points prepared by the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) for a nutrition strategy. These form the basis on which to define the principles of the federal government’s planned nutrition strategy, as regards both content and processes. A final draft of the nutrition strategy will be approved by the federal government by the end of 2023, but I think several key points need to be critically examined.
It has long been obvious to the REWE Group that providing consumers with sufficient, clear information makes it faster and easier for them to choose healthy, balanced products. As a food retailer, the REWE Group sees itself as a key actor in bringing about a transformation of the nutrition system. In this context, we support the political goal of motivating consumers to opt for a healthy and sustainable diet. The REWE Group is aware of its responsibility to create beneficial nutrition environments. Thanks to our quality management processes, which have been honed over the course of several decades, we are heavily involved in relevant strategies. Helping consumers to make an informed choice, with food labels for example, is especially important. For this reason, we were the first food retailer in Germany to add the Nutri-Score to our own-brand products. We are confident that the Nutri-Score is a good tool for providing clear information and thus helping consumers to make choices within a particular product group. More than 80 percent of REWE and PENNY own-brand products now carry the Nutri-Score label, and our aim is to have the label on all our own-brand products by mid-year.