These basic principles and refering to the German Corporate Governance Kodex place REWE Group’s Corporate Governance on four pillars:
1. Transparency and stability in the ownership structure
REWE Group is committed to clarity in the ownerships relationships between the leading companies. The majority relationships in favour of independent retailers and cooperatives are unambiguous and transparent.
2. Composition of the Supervisory Board
The company is convinced that a supervisory board made up of businesspeople is the ideal composition for REWE Group. It ensures specialist expertise together with sustainability, and is completely in step with the current spirit of European corporate governance.
3. Consistency and sustainability in the bylaws and rules of procedure
REWE Group’s corporate governance is anchored in a set of bylaws and rules of procedure that are internally consistent, as legally modern as possible, and suited to the demands of the bylaws.
4. Clear rules for communication and information between the Supervisory Board and the Management Board
The greatest possible room for entrepreneurial manoeuvre for the Management Board is an indispensable precondition and guarantee for the success of the Group. The continuing and institutionalised dialogue between the Supervisory and Management Boards is all the more important for the former to realise its responsibilities.