Classic Destinations - Large Selection.

ITS has the largest hotel selection of all the package tour operators unified under the umbrella of the travel and tourism division of REWE Group. The focus of the ITS programme is on three-to-four-star hotels.

As a generalist, ITS especially aims its offers at the tastes of young families. Deep discounts for children, attractive fixed rates for children and a plethora of specials for singles with children are proof. Besides air trips to medium-to-long haul destinations, the company offers also car trips, i.e. hotel or holiday flat arrangements in Germany and abroad to which the holiday makers travel themselves.

The focus of the programme is on the most popular destinations around the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in Spain, Tunisia and Greece as well as Bulgaria at the Black Sea and, as long-haul destinations, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, the Maledives and Thailand. At almost all destinations, ITS customers can book their holiday meanwhile also without the flight trip.