Grievances about human rights or environ­mental risks or due dili­gence vio­lations

Our grievance procedure in connection with the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG) guarantees a trustworthy and at the same time transparent process in dealing with grievances about violations of human rights or environmental obligations. A grievance under the LkSG can be used to report suspicions of possible risks to human or environment rights or violations of due diligence obligation, such as forced labour, child labour, discrimination or the harmful contamination of soil, water and air, as well as detrimental noise and excessive water consumption which are linked to REWE Group, its supply chains or its employees. Violations of human rights or of environmental due diligence obligation cause considerable damage not only to REWE Group but also to society. Grievances about human rights and environmental risks or violations of due diligence obligation can be submitted by employees as well as third parties.

A particularly easy way to digitally submit grievances about human rights and environmental risks or violations of due diligence obligation is provided by the REWE Group grievance mechanism – anonymously, if requested. In addition, the grievance platform enables smooth communication between whistleblowers and the responsible departments of REWE Group in compliance with data protection regulations.

Customer complaints, for example about the quality of REWE Group products and services or the services in the stores or travel agencies, are not considered grievances about human rights or environmental risks or due diligence violations. For these complaints, please do not hesitate to contact the customer service departments and hotlines of the company or brand concerned.

We expressly encourage employees and external parties to inform us of any suspicion on human rights or environmental risks or due diligence violations. Whistleblowers must not suffer any occupational disadvantages as a result of submitting grievances. The grievance procedure follows a defined process, which is also set out in the Rules of Procedure. Impartiality is guaranteed at all times; those involved in the procedure are not bound by instructions and are obliged to maintain confidentiality.

REWE Group grievance mechanism

Grievances about violations of human or environmental rights can easily be submitted digitally and anonymously, if requested.